Medicine Today and Tomorrow

Online ISSN: 2710-1444

Current Issue

Vol 93 No 1 (2024)
Published March 31, 2024

Founder, editorial board and publisher:
Kharkiv National Medical University

Certificate of state registration of print media KV No.16433-4905PR on January 21, 2010

Print ISSN 2414-4495. Online ISSN 2710-1444

DOI 10.35339/msz

The journal is assigned to the scientific professional publications of Ukraine in the field of medical sciences, category B (Appendix 4 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated  July 02, 2020 No.886)

Editorial and publisher address: 
61022, Kharkov, Nauky Ave., 4
Tel.: +38 063 069 9000 (Monday to Friday 9: 00-17: 00 Ukrainian time, except holidays) 

Certificate of entry in the State Register of Publishing Subjects DK No.3242 on July 18, 2008

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

O.V. Vlasova , N.V. Moiseeva, T.I. Yarmola, M.M. Ryabushko, A.A. Miahkokhlib
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