In modern practical medicine, along with pharmacological agents, more and more attention is paid to physiotherapeutic methods. Over the past decades, extremely high-frequency therapy (EHF-therapy) has been widely used. The electromagnetic radiation of the EHF range is used in medicine not only as a therapeutic, but also as a diagnostic tool. At the moment, there are various methods for determining individual sensitivity to EHF-therapy at the cellular level of patients with cardiovascular diseases, although this method of physiotherapy is also successfully used to treat neurological diseases. A cytobiophysical technique was developed and studied to determine individual sensitivity to EHF-therapy in neurology. The technique is based on determining the number of negatively charged nuclei of the patient’s buccal epithelium cells before and after exposure to cells of electromagnetic radiation from the EHF range and comparing the obtained parameters to determine individual sensitivity to EHF therapy. The measurements were carried out using buccal epithelium of conditionally healthy donors 24–35 years old of both sexes (n=8), as well as patients with degree I and II degree discirculatory encephalopathy at the age of 41–77 years (n=55) who were hospitalized. A generator of type G4-141 served as a source of EHF radiation, irradiation was carried out at a wavelength of λ=7,1 mm, and a power flux density of 10 mW/cm2. The cytobiophysical technique allows us to solve the problem of individualization in the case of EHF-therapy, since the current approaches to the treatment of patients with discirculatory encephalopathy require maximum individualization of treatment and a combination of drug treatment with physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. The cytobiophysical technique is easy to use, non-invasive, painless for the patient, allows you to determine individual sensitivity to EHF-therapy for various pathologies, and also allows you to quickly (study time is 15–20 minutes) to monitor the effectiveness of any type of therapy, including EHF-therapy at all stages of treatment.
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