The influence of the complex of environmental factors on the neurodevelopmental status of premature neonates
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preterm infants
neurological development
environmental factors
regression analysis

How to Cite

Zavgorodnii, I., Semenova, N., Kondratova, I., Piontkovska, O., & Zavgorodnia, N. (2015). The influence of the complex of environmental factors on the neurodevelopmental status of premature neonates. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 68(3), 128–134. Retrieved from


The influence of the complex of environmental factors (increase sound-levels, natural and artificial illumination, electric and magnetic constituent of electromagnetic radiations, unfavorable meteorological factors) on the neurodevelopmental status of premature infants have discussed in the article. The study have been used a logistic regression model. Increased levels of noise and artificial light are the most important physical factors in neonatal wards, having adverse effects on premature babies.

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