EEG patterns in Wilson’s disease in patients with different anthropomorphological characteristics
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EEG patterns
brain functional activity
physical anthropological type
Wilson’s disease

How to Cite

Nikishkova, I., Voloshyn-Gaponov, I., Kutikov, O., & Zabrodina, L. (2015). EEG patterns in Wilson’s disease in patients with different anthropomorphological characteristics. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 68(3), 93–98. Retrieved from


The peculiarities of some types of EEG patterns in Wilson’s disease are described for patients belonging to different physical anthropological types (PAT). The EEG data have been analysed and differences in incidence of certain combinations of functional conditions of subcortical brain structures regulating a neocortical tonus have been demonstrated. A presentation of types of EEG patterns among patients who belonged to Mediterranean PAT coincided with the presentation which was demonstrated by the patients’ group at whole: disorganized EEG with signs of limbic-diencephalone and cortical-basal dysfunctions. Patients belonging to Atlantic-Baltic PAT characterized mainly by EEG patterns with predomination of regular α-activity and low levels of paroxysmal manifestations. Patients belonging to Dinaric PAT had mainly EEG patterns with signs of enhanced activating reticular influences on cortex on the background of a decreasing thalamic activity.

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