Dynamics of neurological deficits in acute ischemic stroke with metabolic syndrome and withaut it
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ischemic stroke
metabolic syndrome
neurological deficits

How to Cite

Dziuba, O., & Babenko, V. (2015). Dynamics of neurological deficits in acute ischemic stroke with metabolic syndrome and withaut it. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 68(3), 86–92. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/539


Assessment of the dynamics of neurological deficits in acute period of the primary is chemic stroke in patients with metabolic syndrome and without using scales neurological NIHSS, Barthel Index and modified Rankin scale. As a result of comprehensive clinical study found that metabolic syndrome negatively affects the dynamics of neurological deficits in acute period of the primary ischemic stroke. Revealed slowing the pace of recovery of lost neurological function, especially in patients with moderate, severe and very severe degree of neurological deficit. A significant negative effect of metabolic syndrome on the increase in the proportion of patients with complete functional dependency and disability. Based on data from the modified Rankin scale at 21st days was significantly found a negative impact of metabolic syndrome on a poor functional outcome.

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