Antinociceptive activity dependence from chemical structure in series of 7-(2-hydroxy-3-p-methoxyphenoxy)propyl-8-substituted theophylline
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7-(2-hydroxy-3-p-methoxyphenoxy)propyl-8-substituted theophylline
antinociceptive activity

How to Cite

Duchenko, E., Kornienko, V., Samura, B., Ladogubets, E., Romanenko, M., & Ivanchenko, D. (2015). Antinociceptive activity dependence from chemical structure in series of 7-(2-hydroxy-3-p-methoxyphenoxy)propyl-8-substituted theophylline. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 68(3), 5–9. Retrieved from


The screening of 7-(2-hydroxy-3-p-methoxyphenoxy)propyl-8-substituted theophylline was done. An effect on visceral nociceptors sensitivity was studied. A compound 5, that possesses antinociceptive activity that is comparable with the diclofenac activity, was detected. 7-(2-hydroxy-3-p-methoxyphenoxy)propyl-8-substituted theophylline is prospective group of compounds for further synthesis and researches of new pharmacological substances of a non-steroidal structure with antinociceptive properties.

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