The quantitative and qualitative composition of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in the lacrimal fluid and blood serum of patients with herpesvirus keratoconjunctivitis (ИКС) caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) were studied. The effectiveness of the treatment by gammalin and nimesil was evaluated. 65 patients with ИКС from 24 to 54 years of age of both sexes were examined. Polymerase chain reaction for HSV-1 was positive in all patients. The control group consisted of 32 patients who received basic treatment with Zovirax ointment and Interferon. The main group consisted of 33 patients who received Gammalin and Nimesil in addition to basic therapy. The reference norm group consisted of 38 healthy donors. Tear fluid and venous blood serum were examined. The CIC was studied by precipitation in polyethylene glycol. Statistical processing was performed using the Student and Mann-Whitney tests. It has been established that in ИКС HSV-1 etiology in the lacrimal fluid of the affected eye and in the blood serum of patients the levels of total CIC increase, mainly due to medium and small fractions, which were the largest in the lacrimal fluid. In the convalescence phase violations of the quantitative and fractional composition of the CIC in the blood serum disappeared, while in the lacrimal fluid they decreased without normalization. The use of Gammalin and Nimesil in the treatment of patients with ИКС HSV-1 etiology improves the quantitative and fractional composition of CIC, both in the lacrimal fluid of the causal eye and in the blood serum of patients, which is manifested in a decrease in the number of total CIC, mainly due to a decrease in the concentrations of medium and small fractions.
Keywords: keratoconjunctivitis, herpesviruses, immune complexes, Gammalin, Nimesil.
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