Comparative analysis of biophysical parameters of oral fluid depending on the condition of dental hard tissue
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oral fluid
wedge-shaped defect
precervical caries

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Yarova, S., Zabolotna, I., Petukhov, V., KobtsevaО., & Reva, O. (2020). Comparative analysis of biophysical parameters of oral fluid depending on the condition of dental hard tissue. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 84(3), 23–29.


The pH, buffer capacity, salivation rate, impedance, micellarity and mineralizing ability of the oral fluid have been determined by the indices of the dispersion coefficient. The dispersion coefficients impedance of oral fluid in patients with a wedge-shaped defect and precervical caries were significantly lower than in patients with intact hard tissues (p=0,004). The greatest steepness of dispersion coefficient was typical for the oral fluid of individuals without any precervical pathology, which corresponds to a high degree of its liquid crystal phase, greater dispersion and micellarity. The strong indirect correlation between impedance and pH and buffer capacity has been revealed and the vivid direct correlation with salivation rate and dispersion coefficient has been found. The interconnections between biophysical parameters of oral fluid require further research in order to diagnose precervical pathology and monitor the effectiveness of preventive measures.
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