A comparative analysis of the data of examination and treatment of 158 children, who were born with a normal gestational age, was carried out. The main group consisted of 77 children (isolated open ductus arteriosus occurred in 42 children, combined with a secondary atrial septal defect occurred in 35 children). The comparison group consisted of 81 children (46 children are with an isolated open ductus arteriosus and 35 children are with an open ductus arteriosus in combination with a secondary atrial septal defect). It is proved, that the use of the proposed diagnostic algorithm and ultrasonic techniques allows us to determine the hemodynamic significance of the patent ductus arteriosus and provide for its self-closure in case of isolated defect and neglect a small secondary defect of the atrial septum when combined with a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus, that gave an option of avoidance of unnecessary surgical interventions, including the use of cardiopulmonary bypass.
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