Determination of deformation samples C-silicone impression materials in tension and compression
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C-silicone impression materials
the physical and mechanical investigations
research in tension and compression

How to Cite

Yushchenko, P. (2015). Determination of deformation samples C-silicone impression materials in tension and compression. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 68(3), 124–127. Retrieved from


The author performed physical and mechanical examination of samples C-silicone impression materials of foreign and domestic manufacturers: SwissTEC, Zetaplus, Speedex, Lasticomp, Consiflex-1 and Consiflex-0 in tension and compression. We investigated the elastic limit, yield strength and the strength of the border. Yield strength of domestic impression materials is not very different to each other and approached to indicators of the elastic limit. The difference between the strength of the border C-silicone impression materials Zetaplus, Speedex, Lasticomp, Consiflex-1 and Consiflex-0 is 2,847 MPa. The highest rate is Speedex – (9,923±0,133) MPa, and the smallest Consiflex-1 – (7,076±0,581) MPa. It was established that the domestic C-silicone impression materials Consiflex-1 and Consiflex-0, manufactured by «Latus» (Kharkov) on indicators of the limit of elasticity (MPa) have the advantage, and the majority of other indicators do not differ from foreign analogues, and can be used in the clinic Ortopedic Dentistry at the level with them.

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