Differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of mediastinal tumors in the general structure of intrathoracic tumors
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thoracic tumors
surgical treatment

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Boyko, V., Krasnojaruzhsky, A., & Tkachenko , V. (2015). Differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of mediastinal tumors in the general structure of intrathoracic tumors. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 68(3), 99–104. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/541


The analysis of diagnostic tests data and the results of surgical treatment of 186 patients with hilar tumors localization. We came to the conclusion, that the primary methods of detection of intrathoracic tumors are the clinical study of the patient and X-ray of the chest cavity. The most informative diagnostic methods computed tomography of the chest cavity, and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.

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