The value of different fetoplacental doppler disorders in predicting of perinatal risk
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ultrasonic examination
perinatal outcome

How to Cite

Safonova, I. (2015). The value of different fetoplacental doppler disorders in predicting of perinatal risk. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 68(3), 75–81. Retrieved from


The value of different types of Doppler disorders and hypertension in pregnant for the predicting of perinatal risk was studied. An observational prospective cohort study of perinatal outcomes in 407 fetuses, including 107 fetuses with intermittent abnormal umbilical artery Doppler, was carry into effect, it was determined, that when intermittent umbilical artery Doppler disorders presence in hypertension pregnancy the risk for adverse perinatal outcome increases 2,1 times (1,6–2,4 at 95 % CI).

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