Influence of maternal metabolic syndrome on the condition of the placenta
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metabolic syndrome
morphological changes in the placenta

How to Cite

Markovski, V., Tarasenko, K., & Gargin , V. (2015). Influence of maternal metabolic syndrome on the condition of the placenta. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 68(3), 25–29. Retrieved from


The structural features of the placenta with maternal metabolic syndrome have been investigated. The material for the research had been taken in 10 cases of afterbirth with presence of metabolic syndrome in mothers. Group comparisons were the 10 placentas of women with physiological pregnancy without of the metabolic syndrome. It was found, that the metabolic syndrome leads to the formation of morphological changes in the placenta, which are characterized by an increase in placental weight and its volume, the presence of infarction zones, the appearance of immature intermediate villi, increasing the relative amount of sclerosed villi, persistence intermediate villi, increasing cell Kashchenko–Gofbauer and stem size and intermediate villi.

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