Hygienic character of training-production and out-of-training students’ regimens acquiring radio engineerings specialities in the vocational school
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training-production regimen
professional education
radio engineering specialities
vocational school
adaptation process

How to Cite

Podavalenko, O. (2020). Hygienic character of training-production and out-of-training students’ regimens acquiring radio engineerings specialities in the vocational school. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 67(2), 153–155. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/523


The materials to characterize the features of constructions training-production and out-of-training regimens in the radio engineerings vocational school and their influence on formation of the adaptation process the body adolescents. The revealed negative factors promote emergence conditions of disadaptation, violation of a state of health that causes need of introduction of the hygienic-preventive actions directed on optimization of training and a way of life of students.

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