Experience of application of a probiotic on the basis of spore-forming bacteria in children with pyelonephritis and dysbacteriosis
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How to Cite

Iarova, K. (2020). Experience of application of a probiotic on the basis of spore-forming bacteria in children with pyelonephritis and dysbacteriosis. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 67(2), 77–80. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/507


Efficiency of application of a probiotic on the basis of spore-forming bacteria (Bacillus clausii) in the treatment of children with pyelonephritis and dysbacteriosis of intestine is studied. Probiotic on the basis of spore-forming bacteria is effective and safe medicine in treatment of dysbacteriosis of intestine in children with pyelonephritis. Probiotic has a good individual tolerance and low frequency side effects of development therefore its use is recommended in children of early age suffering from pyelonephritis and dysbacteriosis.

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