Radial diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis at premature infants
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necrotizing enterocolitis
abdominal cavity
ultrasound examination

How to Cite

Shapovalova, V. (2020). Radial diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis at premature infants. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 67(2), 71–76. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/506


The modern concept of necrotizing enterocolitis as a nonspecific inflammatory disease caused by infectious agents on the background of the immaturity of the mechanisms of protection of local and/or hypoxic-ischemic damage of the intestinal mucosa, prone to generalization to the development of systemic inflammatory response has been presented. Current information about the features of radial diagnosis of various clinical forms and stages of necrotizing enterocolitis in prenature infants has been shown.

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