The dynamics of local manifestations of thermal damage in the application of synthetic inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases
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burn injury
synthetic inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases

How to Cite

Aleksandrova, A. (2020). The dynamics of local manifestations of thermal damage in the application of synthetic inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 66(1), 5–9. Retrieved from


The dynamics of the local manifestations of thermal burn of rats in using a synthetic inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases doxycycline have been studied. Under the influence of doxycycline healing takes place more intensively than in the treatment of comparisons drug that appears earlier dates for reducing the area of thermal damage. It is shown, that doxycycline exceeds the reference drugs tiatriazolinum and metyluracilum on therapeutic efficacy on 32,0 and 21,0 % respectively.

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