Clinical results of the use of minimally invasive treatment tactics in patients with long bones distal metaepiphyses fractures
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long bones distal metaepiphyses fractures
minimally invasive method

How to Cite

Bets, I. (2020). Clinical results of the use of minimally invasive treatment tactics in patients with long bones distal metaepiphyses fractures. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 80(3), 75–81. Retrieved from


Due to the large number of complications in the treatment of patients with injuries of the distal metaepiphyses of long bones, it becomes obvious that the main reason for the complications is the unreasonable expansion of indications for internal fixation of fragments. To verify this concept, a retrospective analysis of the medical documentation of 122 patients in specialized hospitals in Kharkov was carried out and quantitative correlations of the traditionally applied treatment technologies with its results were established. In addition, 210 patients with injuries of distal metaepiphyses of long bones were examined, for whom weighted treatment tactics were used with priority use of biologically justified minimally invasive technologies. It was found that the proportion of internal fixation decreased relative to that in patients of the retrospective study group from 61 to 21 %; the proportion of extra focal osteosynthesis increased from 20 to 50 %; the use of skeletal traction and fixation method increased from 19 to 29 %. This led to an increase in the number of good results from 44 to 59 %, satisfactory – from 24 to 32 %; the number of unsatisfactory results (complications) decreased from 32 to 9 %.

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