Communicative barriers as the basis of ineffective professional interaction between doctors and patients with cerebrovascular pathology during treatment
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communicative competence
communicative barriers
professional interaction
cerebrovascular diseases

How to Cite

Yavorska, T. (2020). Communicative barriers as the basis of ineffective professional interaction between doctors and patients with cerebrovascular pathology during treatment. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 80(3), 69–74. Retrieved from


The communicative skills of the doctor are an important part of the success in treatment. It was found that 77 % physicians have emotional barriers in interpersonal interaction that negatively affected professional communication. The main emotional obstacles are violations of emotion control, their inflexibility and inadequate manifestation. It was shown that the profile of the communicative difficulties in doctors characterized by reduced control over emotional manifestations, negative nonverbal signals, enhanced mimic reactions and gesticulation, significant influence of the emotional background and relation to the interlocutor in interaction, inability emotionally broadcast support.

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