Predictors of communicative alliance formation in families where a patient with endogenous mental illness lives
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communicative attitude
personality traits
communicative tolerance
family caregivers
endogenous mental disorders

How to Cite

Kaminska, A., & Agisheva, N. (2020). Predictors of communicative alliance formation in families where a patient with endogenous mental illness lives. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 80(3), 55–62. Retrieved from


Basic individual-psychological and interpersonal-communicative predictors of communicative alliance formation in families, where patients with endogenous mental disorders live, were identified. Determine features of communicative attitude and level of communicative tolerance were investigated by the test for diagnostics of communicative attitude by V.V. Boyko, individual psychological characteristics of family caregivers – using the Freiburg Personality Inventory. 243 family caregivers of patients with paranoid schizophrenia and affective disorders – bipolar disorder, recurrent depressive disorder were examined. Control group included 55 mentally healthy persons. It is shown, that negative communicative attitude with reduced communicative tolerance, as well as specific individual and psychological personality traits (neuroticism, spontaneous aggressiveness, unstability) prevail at the family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and affective disorders, which create certain barriers for effective interpersonal family communication and for the harmonious functioning of family, in which a mentally ill patient lives, in general. Rejection of individual features of communication partners, reduced ability to forgive mistakes or involuntarily caused troubles, inability to adapt to communicative partners, and to hide unpleasant feelings when dealing with non-communicative qualities of the interlocutor are factors that lead to communicative deviations, significantly complicate interpersonal relations in families of patients with endogenous mental disorders and reduce possibilities for psychosocial adaptation of all family members.

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