Analysis of originality of clinical manifestations of alcohol dependence and post-stress disorders in patients with different psychosocial stress levels
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alcohol dependence
psychosocial stress
influence of psychotraumatic experience
post-stress disorders

How to Cite

Gaponov, K. (2020). Analysis of originality of clinical manifestations of alcohol dependence and post-stress disorders in patients with different psychosocial stress levels. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 80(3), 40–48. Retrieved from


The originality of the clinical variability of manifestations of alcohol dependence and post-stress disorders were analyzed in patients with varying severity of psychosocial stress. For understand of the ways of modifying existing therapeutic and rehabilitation strategies taking into account the aggravating effect of stress on the formation and the course of alcohol dependence 312 men suffering from alcohol dependence were examined: 107 combatants, 89 forcibly displaced persons and 116 residents of the city of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region. The correlation between the severity of the symptoms of post-stress disorder and alcohol dependence (according to the data obtained from the AUDIT test and the SADQ scale) are analyzed. Close direct correlation is established: the coefficient of rank correlation for the total integral index of the severity of the traumatic event and the severity of alcohol dependence was 0.797 (p<0.01), and the correlation between the severity of the pathological stress response to psychotraumatic experience and the severity of the withdrawal state (which is the basic characteristic that determines the severity of alcohol dependence) – 0.733 (p<0.01). The expressiveness of the influence of the psychotraumatic experience directly correlates with the severity of the disorders associated with alcohol abuse, both in assessing the danger of the consequences of its consumption, and on the qualitative clinical characteristics of alcohol dependence. The force of the pathological effect of the traumatic event is due to the expressiveness of the stress response to it, which is associated with the severity of the tested psychosocial stress and manifestations of alcohol dependence.

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