Nature of the psychological protection methods in participants of martial actions with eye injury and partial vision loss
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psychological maladjustment
psychological defense
eye injury

How to Cite

Abdriakhimov, R. (2020). Nature of the psychological protection methods in participants of martial actions with eye injury and partial vision loss. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 80(3), 34–39. Retrieved from


The reactions of psychological protection and the ways of responding to it were investigated in combatants with eye trauma and partial loss of vision against the background of psychological maladjustment. Significant differences were found between those who took part in hostilities with psychological maladjustment without injury and a patients with a domestic eye injury with partial his loss. Combatants with trauma and without demonstrated active methods of protection with the selection of external factors. They were significantly different from the injured in everyday life. In turn, almost all of the tendency to reject behavior, except for the scales of volitional control in the group with combat trauma, and the tendency to aggression among combatants without injury, were significantly increased and differed little from each other. This suggests that the phenomena of psychological maladjustment are present in combatants and the combat trauma only reinforces some of its parameters. Resilience in both groups of combatants with psychological maladjustment, eye injury and partial loss of vision and without injury was significantly increased, especially on the scales of viability and control. This confirms the thesis about the background course of psychological maladjustment in the group of combatants with combat trauma.

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