Cytological and morphometric peculiarities of the gingival cells in patients with coronary heart disease


coronary heart disease
periodontal tissue
epithelial cell

How to Cite

Emelyanova, N. (2020). Cytological and morphometric peculiarities of the gingival cells in patients with coronary heart disease. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 80(3), 4–9. Retrieved from


Periodontal tissues diseases are of a multifactorial nature and depend not only on local etiological causes, but may also be due to somatic pathology. During pathological changes initiation, gingival epithelial cells are able to perform the functions of antigen-presenting cells. Of particular interest is coronary heart disease, which can lead to an imbalance in the process of differentiation of gingival epithelial cells, changes in their morphometric parameters and its quantitative increase in cells with manifestations of cytopathology. Concerning the manifestations of cell pathology and changes in the morphometric parameters of gingival epithelial cells were studied in patients with coronary heart disease. A total of 71 patients with coronary heart disease and 20 somatically healthy patients were examined. Cytological examination was performed on scrapings from the epithelium surface of the attached gingiva. It is proved that in patients with ischemic heart disease, changes in gingival epithelial cells with signs of nuclear pathology and changes in the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio are statistically more common than in somatically healthy patients.



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