Differential analysis of coping strategies in patients with cerebrovascular pathology in dependence from stress risk at different stages of diseases development
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cerebrovascular pathology
stress risk
psychological help

How to Cite

Yavorska, T. (2019). Differential analysis of coping strategies in patients with cerebrovascular pathology in dependence from stress risk at different stages of diseases development. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 79(2), 50–58. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/314


During 2016–2018, 383 patients with cerebrovascular pathology of varying degrees of development investigated the features of coping using the WCQ questionnaire. To analyze the factors of potential stress, patients were divided into groups based on the «Life Style Analysis» test. It is established that the increased stress risk is combined with the non-adaptive copy-profile, namely: the frequent use of such strategies of stress-breaking behavior as distancing and avoiding, high intensity of confrontation, access to psychosocial resources and reduction of ability to solve problems. Patients with a risk of developing and clinical manifestations of cerebrovascular pathology are characterized by high tension in strategies for confrontation, responsibility, and distancing as compared to those of somatic healthy subjects, indicating peculiarities of their response to stress and the use of less effective ways of overcoming it. In patients after a stroke due to a sharp change in physical and social status, intense personal reactions to a somatic catastrophe, the copy-profile sharply deformed and was characterized by an imbalance of adaptive and non-adaptive coping strategies with a sharp dominance of the latter's tension. The combination of high tension strategies for confrontation, responsibility, distance and avoidance with an increased stress risk in patients at different stages of the development of cerebrovascular pathology indicates a specific disadaptive behavioral disposition with a potentially high risk of developing stress-related disorders.

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