Professor hygienist from Odessa Aron Iosyfovych Burshtein (1890–1965)
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public health
20th century

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Vasyliev, Y. (2024). Professor hygienist from Odessa Aron Iosyfovych Burshtein (1890–1965). Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 93(3).


In press

The study was conducted for the first time in detail to study the life and work of a prominent representative of preventive science in Ukraine, Professor Burshtein A.I., who in 1933–1941 & 1944–1962 headed the Department of Food Hygiene at the Odessa Medical Institute (now Odessa National Medical University). For this purpose, Odessa archives were examined and the search was crowned with success. The discovered documents, which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, made it possible to highlight the main milestones of his biography: doctor (1918), associate professor (1930), professor (1934), doctor of medical sciences without defending a dissertation (1935), honored worker of science of the Kazakh SSR (1945). It was shown that he was a student of Professor Kostyamin M.M. In addition, searches were conducted for published works by Burshtein A.I. were conducted. The main body of his works was identified, which made it possible to determine the main directions of his scientific work – the problems of occupational hygiene and food hygiene. In addition, it was found that throughout his scientific career, he paid considerable attention to the compilation of manuals on methods of sanitary and hygienic research. In 1916 in Odessa, he published a short guide on methods of hygienic research; in 1918 he republished the book there. In 1934, in Kyiv, he published a manual on methods for studying aerosols; in 1954, he also published a manual on methods for studying dust and smoke levels in the air, which was actually the second supplemented and expanded book edition 1934 book. In 1950, in Kyiv, he published a manual on methods of sanitary and hygienic research. And finally, in 1963, in the same Kyiv publishing house, where all his previous manuals, saw the light of the day the state medical publishing house published a manual on food research methods.

Keywords: hygiene, public health, 20th century, Ukraine.
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Vasyliev YuK. Aron Yosyfovych Burshtein (1890–1965) – the author of the manual on the methods of sanitary and hygienic research. Materials of the VI scientific and practical conference with international participation, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Public Health and Health Care Management of the Kharkiv National Medical University "Public Health in Ukraine: Problems and Ways to Solve Them "Tomylin’s Readings" (Ukraine, Kharkiv, 02 Nov 2023). P. 28-30. [in Ukrainian]

Burshtein AI. Anabiosis and its practical application. Odesa: "Odesa News" bookstore; 1913. 24 p.

Burshtein A, Burshtein Yu. Anatomy of the head and teeth with an overview of basic information from general human anatomy: Regarding the program of dental schools. Odesa: Ivasenko AA; 1919. 93 p.

Burshtein AI. How to feed a child. Odesa: How to feed a child. Odesa: How to feed a child. Odesa: Spozhyvspilka [Consumer Union]; 1920. 26 p.

Burshtein AI. Fever of copper foundries. Labor hygiene. 1925;(7):17-41.

Burshtein AI. Quantitative (weight) determination of dust inhaled by humans. Labor hygiene. 1926;(1):27-45.

Burshtein AI. Tobacco dust as an occupationally harmful factor. Labor hygiene. 1927;(4):3-11.

Burshtein AI. Determination of small amounts of free nicotine in the air of tobacco factories. Labor hygiene. 1928;(5):3-17.

Burshtein AI. Changes in blood during zinc intoxication. Hygiene, safety and occupational pathology. 1929;(7):3-13.

Burshtein AI. The method of quantitative accounting of the "dust factor" of air. Hygiene, safety and occupational pathology. 1929;(10):23-37.

Burshtein AI. About the presence of free nicotine in the air of tobacco factories and simplification of the method of its determination. Hygiene, safety and occupational pathology. 1930;(4):40-9.

Burshtein AI. Adsorption of nicotine by formed elements of blood. Hygiene, safety and occupational pathology. 1931;(8-9):46-9.

Burshtein AI, Reznik YaB, Frum FS. To the issue of sterilization of tanning juices at leather factories. Hygiene, safety and occupational pathology. 1931;(10-11):87-93.

Burshtein AI. The problem of air conditioning in industrial enterprises of the USSR. Occupational hygiene and safety technology. 1934;(3):3-11.

Burshtein AI., Orzhekhivskyi PM. Sanitary and hygienic conditions of ships of the Black Sea Basin and measures to improve them. Occupational hygiene and safety technology. 1934;(5):86-90.

Burshtein AI, Pyshkin IP. Electrochemical disinfection of water in ship conditions. Hygiene and sanitation. 1939;(11):14-20.

Burshtein AI. Application of ultra-high and high-frequency currents in the food industry. The question of nutrition. 1941;10(3-4):3-9.

Burshtein AI, Kozlova PA. Experience in the use of antibiotics to increase the stability of food products. Abstracts of the scientific conference devoted to issues of food hygiene. (Kyiv, 1954). P. 36-8.

Burshtein AI, Palii YaI. Effect of aqueous extracts from the leaves of some plants on the growth of baker's yeast. Abstracts of the scientific conference devoted to issues of food hygiene. (Kyiv, 1954). P. 62-3.

Knafelman PF. Silver as a food preservative. [Diss cand med n]. Odesa: Odessa Medical Institute; 1947. Vol. 1. 176 p.; vol. 2: Protocols of experiments. 93 p.

Burshtein AI. Hygienic research methodology: A brief guide. Odesa: AA Ivasenko; 1916. 72 p.

Burshtein AI. Hygienic research methodology: A brief guide. Odesa: AA Ivasenko; 1918. 150 p.

Aerosol research methods. Kyiv: State Medical Publishing House; 1934. 226 p.

Gibbs W. Clouds and Smokes. The properties of disperse systems in gases and their practical applications. London; 1924. 240 p.

Meldau R. Der Industriestaub [Industrial Dust]. Berlin; 1926. 301 p. [In German].

Pik CD. [Review]. Prof. A.I. Burshtein. Aerosol research methods. Occupational hygiene and safety technology. 1935;(1):101-3.

Burshtein AI. Methods of studying dustiness and smog in the air. Kyiv: Derzhmedvydav [State Medical Publishing House] of the Ukrainian SSR; 1954. 331 p.

Toropov SA. [Review]. A.I. Burshtein. Methods of research on dust and smog in the air. Factory laboratory. 1956;22(6):759-60.

Khukhrina YeV. [Review]. Prof. A.I. Burshtein. Methods of studying dustiness and smog in the air. Hygiene and sanitation. 1956;(11):53-6.

Burshtein AI. Methods of sanitary and hygienic research: Practical guide. Kyiv: Derzhmedvydav [State Medical Publishing House] of the Ukrainian SSR; 1950. 528 p.

Shakhbazian HKh. [Review]. Prof. A.I. Burshtein. "Methods of sanitary and hygienic research". Medical case. 1951;(6):567-8.

Ahlitskyi SS. [Review]. A.I. Burshtein. Methods of sanitary and hygienic research. Hygiene and sanitation. 1951;(10):59-60.

Habovych RD. [Review]. Prof. A.I. Burshtein. Methods of sanitary and hygienic research. Hygiene and sanitation. 1951;(11):60-3.

Burshtein AI. Food research methods. Kyiv: Derzhmedvydav [State Medical Publishing House] of the Ukrainian SSR; 1963. 643 p.

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