In recent years, the problem of computer addiction has become increasingly important in Ukraine, due to the rapid spread of various gadgets and the expansion of the Internet. Computer addiction is the result of moving life into virtual reality, its complete merging with all aspects of the existence of the individual. In connection with this, the effectiveness of the psychoeducational program in the complex therapy of patients with computer addiction was evaluated. The main group consisted of 100 patients who, along with the therapy regulated by the standards of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, took part in a psychoeducational program. The control group consisted of 47 patients who received standard regulated therapy in the hospital. In the clinical picture of adjustment disorders in the examined patients there was a decreased mood (in 72.9% of the examined persons), irritability, imbalance, tendency to short-term violent reactions (in 52.7%); feelings of sadness, anxiety (in 69.4%); increased vulnerability, susceptibility (in 32.9%); states of confusion (in 55.3 %); hyperesthesia (in 78.8%); asthenic symptom complex (in 84.7%). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed psychoeducational program was implemented by 6-month dynamic observation by assessing the dynamics of clinical psychopathological and pathopsychological features of patients.
Keywords: psychoeducation, non-chemical addictions, computer addiction.
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