Individual variability of the brain hemispheres’ and occipital lobes’ width
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occipital lobe
individual anatomical variability

How to Cite

TrachО., Shyian, D., & Marakushin, D. (2020). Individual variability of the brain hemispheres’ and occipital lobes’ width. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 88(3), 4-11.


200 hemispheres of the brain of people who died from diseases not related to brain pathology were studied. Morphometric method was used and statistical analysis was completed. It was found out that the width of the right and left hemispheres of the brain in both men and women of brachycranial skull type is slightly greater than of mesocranial and dolichocranial ones. Men and women with dolichocranial skull type have the width of the left hemisphere greater than the right one. Men have the width of the left and right hemispheres greater than women. The limits of individual variability of brain hemispheres’ and occipital lobes’ width have been determined taking into account the type of skull and sex. The largest indicators of the cerebral hemispheres’ width are the next: men of the brachycranial skull type have the right hemisphere’s width of the 70.6-10^-3 m, left one of the 71.4•103 m width; the women of the brachycranial skull type have the right hemispheres’ width of the 63.4-10^-3 m and the left one of the 63.8 103 m, the women of the mesocranial skull type have the left hemisphere’s width of 63.7•103 m. The smallest indicators of the cerebral hemispheres’ width are: men of the dolichocranial skull type have the width of the right hemisphere 44•103 m, of the left one of the dolichocranial skull type and of the brachycranial skull type have the width 43.8•103 m; women of the dolichocranial skull type have the width of the right hemisphere 38.5•103 m, left one of 42.5•10^-3. The largest indicators of the occipital lobes’ width are: men of the brachycranial skull type have the width of the right hemisphere 56•103 m, men of the mesocranial skull type have the width of the left hemisphere 65•10 3 m; women of the dolichocranial skull type have the right hemispheres’ width 58-10^-3 m, of mesocranial skull type have the left one is of 63•10^-3 m and of dolichocranial it is of 62.5•103 m. The smallest indicators of the occipital lobes’ width are: men of the dolichocranial skull type have the width of the right lobe 41•103 m, of mesocranial and brachycranial types it is 42•10 3 m, the width of the left lobe in men with dolichocranial skull type of 38•103 m; women of the mesocranial skull type have the right lobe’s width of 36•103 m, the left one of dolichocranial skull type it is of 34•10^-3 m.

Keywords: endbrain, occipital lobe, individual anatomical variability.
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