Level of immune complex reactions in non-psychothotic mental disorders in combatants
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immune complex reactions
non-psychotic mental disorders
post-traumatic stress disorder

How to Cite

Tieroshyna, I., & PlatyniykО. (2020). Level of immune complex reactions in non-psychothotic mental disorders in combatants. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 87(2), 47-52. https://doi.org/10.35339/msz.2020.87.02.06


The level of immune complex reactions in combatants with non-psychotic mental disorders was studied. A clinical-psychopathological and clinical-biochemical examination of 95 combatants with non- psychotic mental disorders were conducted. In the clinical picture of prolonged depressive reaction, there was a decrease in mood, feelings of sadness, anxiety, anhedonia, asthenic manifestations, detachment, lack of hope, guilt of the survivor. Mixed anxiety-depressive reaction was characterized by low mood, feelings of depression, helplessness, insecurity, feelings of despair, sadness, isolated obsessive fears, doubts about the correctness of decisions and actions that are closely related to anxious thinking in relation to their assessment in the eyes of others. Post-traumatic stress disorder was manifested by low mood, anxiety, internal tension with inability to relax, danger, anxiety, flashback effects, symptoms of intrusion, asthenia, irritability, propensity to affective reactions. It was found that in the examined patients there was an increase in the concentration of circulating immune complexes, mainly due to the most pathogenic fractions of medium and low molecular weight and suppression of phagocytic activity of monocytes. Changes in immune complex reactions were most pronounced in post-traumatic stress disorder.

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