Pathogenetic ally based psychotherapeutic targets of adjustment disorders in young internally displaced persons
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internally displaced persons
adjustment disorders
targets of psychotherapy

How to Cite

KozhynaН., Vyun, V., ZelenskaК., & SamoilovaО. (2020). Pathogenetic ally based psychotherapeutic targets of adjustment disorders in young internally displaced persons. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 87(2), 36-41.


Pathogenetically substantiated psychotherapeutic targets of adjustment disorders were developed in young people of internally displaced persons. 105 patients with adjustment disorders aged 18-25 years were examined with studying their clinical-psychopathological and pathopsychological features. The main group consisted of 59 internally displaced persons from the Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone, the control group consisted of 46 permanent residents of Kharkiv. According to the leading strategy of overcoming stress, 3 variants of adjustment disorders were identified in the surveyed young people: avoidance (in 35.9 % persons from main group and in 27.3 % persons from the control group), obsession (in 29.8 % and 36.9 % persons), phobias (in 34.3 % and 35.8 % persons). There are three directions of psychotherapeutic influence on clinical and pathopsychological manifestations of adjustment disorders: I direction is to manifestations of distress, depression and anxiety with phobic avoidance; II direction is to manifestations of obsession and avoidance; III direction is to manifestations of disorientation in the surroundings. Targets of psychotherapy of adjustment disorders in young internally displaced persons have been developed: clinical-psychopathological (anxiety in unusual situations, disorganization in actions, high level of reactive anxiety, subdepressive state, anti-vital experiences) and personal (low activity, selective communication, short-term anxiety, inability to fully disconnect from troubles and everyday problems).
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