Determination of the toxicity glass ionomer cements for permanent fixation of non-removable constructions of dentures
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glass ionomer cement
permanent fixation
fixed structures of dentures

How to Cite

Sidorova , O., & Yanishen , I. (2022). Determination of the toxicity glass ionomer cements for permanent fixation of non-removable constructions of dentures. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 91(1), 65-71.


The experiment was carried out on groups of laboratory rats with a detailed study of the injected material, hematological, biochemical parameters of blood, behavioral reactions of animals and kidney function of experimental animals. The aim of the study was to determine the toxic effect of the new glass ionomer cement for permanent fixation of fixed structures of dentures on organs and tissues of laboratory animals. The keeping of animals and experiments were carried out in accordance with the "European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes" (Strasbourg, 1986), Law of Ukraine No. 3447-IV on 21 Feb 2006 "On protection of animals from cruel treatment". Observations of the state and behavior of the animals showed that they tolerate daily contact with glass ionomer cement for one month satisfactorily. Indicators of liver weight in females (5.135±0.233) g and in males (6.234±0.342) g. In the experimental groups in contact with glass ionomer material, there were no significant differences in the number of erythrocytes [females – (4.86±0.26)·1012/l and in males – (4.53±0.14)·1012/l], hemoglobin [in females – (79.62±2.37) g/l, in males – (81.21±5.48) g/l], leukocytes [in males – (10.27±0.94)·109, in females – (9.81±0.68)·109/l]. The data obtained indicate the absence of toxic the effect of dental glass ionomer cement on peripheral blood. So the studied glass ionomer cement had no cytolyses effect on the liver. Changes in the composition of total protein [in males – (69.79±2.36) mmol/l, while in females – (67.35±2.47) mmol/l], albumin [in males – (28.56±1.87) mmol/l, in females – (28.49±2.36) mmol/l] in blood serum correspond to disorders of protein synthesis associated with damage to the liver parenchyma. The obtained results indicate that glass ionomer cement for permanent fixation of non-removable orthopedic prostheses did not have a toxic effect on the organs and tissues of experimental animals with prolonged use.

Keywords: glass ionomer cement, permanent fixation, fixed structures of dentures, toxicity, experiment.
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