Professor of the department of Hygiene and medical police of the Saint Vladimir university in Kiev Vladimir Dmitrievich Orlov (1856-1915)
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medical police
he Russian Empire

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Vasyliev , Y. (2022). Professor of the department of Hygiene and medical police of the Saint Vladimir university in Kiev Vladimir Dmitrievich Orlov (1856-1915). Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 91(1), 29-40.


For the first time, the article examined the life and work of a prominent representative of preventive science before the Soviet period in Ukraine, Vladimir Dmitrievich Orlov. Two periods of his scientific and pedagogical activity that are approximately the same in duration are distinguished, i. e. the Kazan and Kiev periods. In Kazan, he received a higher medical education, formed as a scientist and teacher (1873–1893); and in Kiev, he was further formed as a man of science, no longer an assistant, laboratory assistant and assistant professor, but Professor (since 1893). At the St. Vladimir University, where Professor V.D. Orlov headed the Department of Hygiene and Medical Police (1893–1914), he first introduced practical classes (1894) and visits by students to sanitary institutions in Kiev (1895). He prepared and published "A Guide to Practical Training in Hygiene and Medical Police" (1905). In the Russian Empire V.D. Orlov was Professor-hygienist of the second generation and in teaching he devoted much to the issues of Experimental Hygiene, and less to the second faculty discipline, which was assigned to his Department, i. e. Medical Police. Dissertation work came out for the first time from the Department of Hygiene and Medical Police led by Professor V.D. Orlov. In 1912, a supernumerary assistant of the Department Yaroslav Ventselevich Rezhabek (1865–1943) defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine; in 1913 a supernumerary assistant of the Department Leonid Orestovich Dubitsky (1865–1931), being a student of Professor Orlov, prepared a dissertation research at the Würzburg Professor K.B. Lehmann. For the first time at the Department under Professor Orlov student scientific work began to be carried out and some of them were awarded gold (Mikhail Yasnikov, 1896; Alexey Filov, 1899; Vladislav Marzhetsky, 1900; Nikolai Posudzevsky, 1903) and silver (Anatoly Vasyutinsky, 1896) medals.

Keywords: hygiene, medical police, teaching, Kiev, Ukraine, the Russian Empire.
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