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Modern sources of danger make new demands on the system of advanced training of managerial staff of government agencies and medical professionals whose activities are related to the organization and implementation of measures for civil protection. Improving their skills is aimed at forming readiness to perform complex tasks in a single state system of civil and its component – medical protection and involves the development of new general theoretical and special-technological and medical knowledge, expanding the range of skills and practical skills. The paper, based on logical analysis, reveals the features of professional development of government officials and medical professionals on civil protection in modern conditions, substantiated proposals to improve the process of their training. As a result of the study, the state of affairs was studied and it was argued that the optimization of improvement and professional development of government and medical specialists of the system of emergency care and disaster medicine on civil and medical protection as a functional subsystem in a single state civil protection system provides an organic combination different forms, methods and content of education, depending on the capabilities of the educational institution and the needs of the person. The above is not possible without the introduction of a rational construction of universal design during the educational process in a higher education institution, a civil defense institution. The urgency of these issues is confirmed by the course of our country for integration into the European Union, and this requires, in modern conditions, systematic improvement of the educational process and optimization of the level of professional development of these categories of personnel using the experience of developed countries. that meet world standards and requirements of today.
Keywords: advanced training, managerial staff of government bodies, medical specialists, civil protection, emergency situation.
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