Structure of social support for women with depressive disorders and macrosocial, mesosocial and microsocial maladaptation of different expression
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Isakov, R. (2020). Structure of social support for women with depressive disorders and macrosocial, mesosocial and microsocial maladaptation of different expression. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 86(1), 33-38.


The structure of social support in women with depression of different genesis and different severity of macrosocial, mesosocial and microsocial maladaptation was studied to determine further targets of differentiated psychosocial rehabilitation of patients of this group. 252 women with depressive disorders were examined: 94 women were with psychogenic disorders, 83 women were with endogenous disorders and 75 patients were with organic depression. 48 women did not show signs of psychosocial maladaptation, the other 204 showed manifestations of macrosocial, mesosocial and microsocial maladaptation of varying severity. The study was conducted using clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods. The study revealed a decrease in the level of social support of family, social support of friends and social support of significant others as the degree of psychosocial maladaptation of any level (macrosocial, mesosocial or microsocial). The structure of the ratio of social support varied depending on the degree of macrosocial, mesosocial and microsocial psychosocial maladaptation: in general, in the absence of signs of psychosocial maladaptation, the highest level was social support of family, lower level was social support of significant others, and the lowest level was social support of friends; with mild psychosocial maladaptation, the highest level was social support of significant others, the lowest level was the social support of friends, and the lowest level was social support of family; with moderate and severe psychosocial maladaptation, the highest was the level of social support of friends, the lowest level was social support of significant others, and the lowest level was the social support of family. The identified patterns should be taken into account in the development of treatment and rehabilitation and preventive measures for depressive disorders in women.

Keywords: depressive disorders, macrosocial maladaptation, mesosocial maladaptation, microsocial maladaptation, social support, women.
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