In clinical practice it is often diagnosed precervical lesions: wedge-shaped defect, precervical caries and fissures. The scientific research reveals results of application of an electrometric method for diagnostics of microfissures of teeth hard tissues. Use of this method will allow not only to make a pre-clinical diagnostics of the given pathology, but also to evaluate efficiency of the taken treatment-and-prophylactic measures. 16.70 % of cases the type of dental enamel fissures diagnosed before research, depending on complexity of their revealing, mismatched the received results of width of their disclosing. So, before the preparation of precervical pathology, we recommend to classify the diagnosed enamel microfissures of vestibular surface into two types: I – fissures, which are visible after using additional lighting, drying, optical systems, diagnostic dye, determining the electrical resistance, using of transillumination and other additional methods; ІІ – fissures, which are visible to the naked eye under normal lighting condition. Application of the proposed qualification of incomplete microfissures will promote to improving the effectiveness of surgical treatment of cervical lesions of teeth hard tissues.
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