Clinical-neurological features of prematurely born children with hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system
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pediatric cerebral palsy
motor disorders
hypoxic-ischemic damages of the central nervous system

How to Cite

Vareshniuk, O., & Vyun, V. (2021). Clinical-neurological features of prematurely born children with hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 85(4), 55–60.


The clinical and neurological features of prematurely born children with perinatal hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system were studied. A comprehensive examination of 79 preterm infants of both sexes who underwent perinatal hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system was performed. 37.9 % of the surveyed were diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy, 20.3 % were diagnosed with spastic diplegia, 27.8 % were diagnosed with childhood hemiplegia, hydrocephalus was acquired in 13.9 % as a result of non-traumatic intraventricular hemorrhage. In 10.3 % of children, severe movement disorders (patients with spastic cerebral palsy and acquired hydrocephalus without surgery) were noted, 37.7 % of the examined did not master walking (patients with spastic diplegia, spastic cerebral palsy and acquired hydrocephalus operated on after 6 months of life), 35.5 % of children have mastered walking with assistive devices (patients with spastic diplegia and acquired hydrocephalus operated on up to 6 months of age), 16.5 % of children have mastered walking without restrictions (children with childhood hemiplegia and acquired hydrocephalus, operated on up to 6 months of age). Characteristic structural changes in perinatal hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system are periventricular leukomalacia of the II–III degree and intraventricular hemorrhage of the I–III degree. The study of somatosensory evoked potentials conducted in the course of the work showed that at the 3rd, 4th levels of disorders of motor functions by GMFCP, there is a significant decrease in the function of conducting along the somatosensory pathway, depression of the amplitude of the peaks. It has been established, that in the structure of severe motor disorders in children with perinatal hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system, violations of arbitrary regulation of movements and postural control are significant. A clear manifestation of the close correlation between motor function impairment, cognitive activity and anxiety level in the examined children has been established, which testifies to the negative impact of a negative emotional state on the development of a child with severe motor disorders.
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