Optimization of the designing of flexible pads in removable dental prosthetics
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elastic sealing materials
removable plate denture

How to Cite

Yarova, S., Komlev, A., Genzytska, O., Turchenenko, S., & Yarov, Y. (2021). Optimization of the designing of flexible pads in removable dental prosthetics. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 85(4), 43–47. https://doi.org/10.35339/msz.2019.85.04.06


The results of studies of elastic cushioning materials in removable plate prostheses are presented. Negative role in the mechanism of the rapid aging of the elastic material of functional loads, causing compression, relatively higher than the reversible deformation of materials is shown. The technique of constructing elastic pads with removable plate denture prosthetics is proposed. Clinical assessment of durability of the elastic-elastic pads in the removable plate denture is carried out. In order to preserve the properties of elastic strips, dentures constructed so that the sealing materials during the function did not experience the load exceeds the value of their relatively reversible deformation. It is determined that the presence of prostheses stops deformation and elastic pads, designed to meet the functional prevent excessive contractions allow prosthesis significantly longer maintain their functional value.

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