System of psychological help directed on forming health-centered behavior in patients with cerebrovascular pathology
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type of psychological reaction on the disease
cerebrovascular pathology
psychological help
health-centered approach

How to Cite

Yavorska, T. (2020). System of psychological help directed on forming health-centered behavior in patients with cerebrovascular pathology. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 83(2), 66–72.


The behavioral component in treatment plays an important role influencing the effectiveness of therapy and recovery. At Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital – Emergency and Emergency Medicine Center during 2016–2018, observed 383 patients with cerebrovascular pathology on different stage of diseases and 47 healthy persons. In research we used Boston Stress Test, Ways of Coping Questionnaire, questionnaire «Level of compliance» and questionnaire «Type of psychological reaction on the disease». It was shown that the measures of medical and psychological assistance to patients with cerebrovascular pathology depend on the stage of the disease and the level of stress risk. The main task of psychological assistance to patients with cardiovascular risk is life style modification with the formation of health-centered skills, to patients with clinical manifestations is increased adherence to treatment and to correct maladaptive behavioral patterns, to patients after a stroke is activation and search for psychological resources to overcome the consequences of the disease. Development system of psychological help for patients with cerebrovascular pathology is an important part of the complex medical help to patients of this contingent.
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