Based on the identification and comprehensive assessment of clinical and psychological manifestations and mechanisms of the formation of maladaptive conditions in medical students, a system of measures for their psychotherapeutic correction has been substantiated and developed. A comprehensive survey of 412 students of II–V academic years of the Kharkov National Medical University of both sexes aged 17–22 was conducted. All examined were divided into three groups: 1st group are 215 students, residents of eastern Ukraine; 2nd group are 87 students, residents of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, who entered study at KNMU before the start of the ATO; 3rd group are 110 students, immigrants from the anti-terrorist operation zone. It is shown, that students-migrants have a higher level of adaptation disorders than students of the 1st and 2nd groups. It has been established that adaptation disorders were represented by depressive, neurasthenic, anxious and dissociative syndrome complexes. Excitability and imbalance, conflict in relationships, anxious suspiciousness, disorganization of behavior, inability to self-regulation, inability to successfully overcome stressful situations, act in conditions of uncertainty, rigidity, fixation on traumatic and negative experiences are predictively significant in the formation of adaptation disorders. A system for the correction of adaptation disorders in medical students through medical and psychological support was developed, which consisted in the individualized use of psychotherapeutic and psycho-educational influences. Positive dynamics of the psychological state was noted: a rapid reduction in anxiety and depressive symptoms, a decrease in the level of psychological stress, an increase in the psychophysical activity of students, a positive change in coping strategy.
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