We studied the quality of life in combatants with eye trauma and partial loss of vision in combination with the clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome for identify targets for targeted medical and psychological rehabilitation measures. Ninety-one combatants were examined: 49 individuals with eye injury and partial loss of vision in the clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome; 42 people with clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome. The data obtained were compared with the data of 59 men with partial loss of vision as a result of domestic injury. All respondents underwent a screening examination of their mental state using the CAPS clinical diagnostic scale, a questionnaire for determining the level of neuroticism and psychopathy, and a World Health Organization’s questionnaire for quality of life. When interviewing participants in the study, the significance of subjective factors of frustration was evaluated. It was found that in combatants with a combat eye injury and partial loss of vision against the background of the clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome, the quality of life was reduced. Changes in levels in all areas of the World Health Organization’s questionnaire of quality of life were significantly lower than those of participants with a household eye injury. Changes in the quality of life corresponded to the levels of relevance of frustration factors. The established patterns are characteristic of participants in all study groups. Changes in the quality of life in the clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome retain the established features when combined with an eye injury. The differences are due to the limitations of the individual consequences of eye injury with partial loss of vision and the mutual increase of stress.
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