Two variants of fractal analysis as morphometric method in anatomy: box counting vs pixel dilating technique
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fractal analysis
fractal dimension
box counting
pixel dilation

How to Cite

Maryenko, N., & Stepanenko, O. (2020). Two variants of fractal analysis as morphometric method in anatomy: box counting vs pixel dilating technique. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 83(2), 14–22.


A comparative analysis of the two methods of fractal analysis in morphometry was carried out. There are box counting method and pixel dilation method. For the development of methods of fractal analysis white matter of the human cerebellum was used. Comparison of two authorial modifications of fractal analysis methods was made. The results of the fractal dimension calculation by two different methods in one image show that the fractal dimension values calculated using the box counting method and the pixel dilation method are practically the same. Both methods are giving the comparable results and can be used for fractal analysis in morphometry with equally high accuracy. The choice of method depends on the features of the image and the structure under study. In cases where the image is easily divided automatically into the background and main structure, the pixel dilation method is the choice. The pixel dilation method is the method of choice for fractal analysis of MR images, radiographs, contrast histological microphotographs and other types of contrast and uniformly colored anatomical images with have no areas with the same color structures. For more complex structures and images, a more routine box counting method may be used. The box counting method is the method of choice for the study of microphotographs of non-stained histological slides, photographs of the inner organs, histological microphotographs with low contrast and other images with impossible automatic separation of the studied structure and surrounding background.
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