Differentiated hip joint replacement in osteopenia and osteoporosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
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hip joint
rheumatoid arthritis
hip joint replacement

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Sinegubov, D. (2020). Differentiated hip joint replacement in osteopenia and osteoporosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 67(2), 105–112. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/518


The analysis of the results of treatment of 64 patients (49 females and 15 males) with rheumatoid arthritis which were undergone total hip replacement was performed. The evaluation of roentgen anthropometric parameters of the hip (cortical index Barnett-Nordin, morpho-cortical index, index Spotorno-Romagnoli, type of the femoral cannel according to L.Dorr et al.) was performed. It was determined, that in 41 patient (64.1%) were the signs of osteopenia, and in 23 patients (35.9%) were the roentgenological symptoms of osteoporosis. Also it was estimated, that in planning of the kind of construction and the type of fixation it is worth while to note the data of few roentgen-anthropometrical parameters of the proximal part of the femur. The 90 operations of total hip replacement was performed, including the bilateral operations in 26 patients. The cementless hip replacement was performed in 77 cases (85.6%), cemented was performed in 10 cases (11.1%), hybrid fixation of the components of Endoprosthesis was performed in 3 cases (3.3%). The tactics of early activation of patients after operation was used with the basic therapy and taking of remedies which had improved bone metabolism. Revision surgeries were performed in 4 cases (4.4% from the total amount of operations). The evaluation of the results of treatment according to Harris scale revealed, that after hip replacement surgery the function of the hip was from 74 up to 88 points, the average data 80.5±7.2 points. That’s why total hip replacement allows to relief the pain syndrome, increase the range of motions, restore the function of the hip and improve the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. During the planning of the hip replacement surgery the important moment is the evaluation of the roentgen-anthropometrical parameters of the hip joint, which allows choosing the corresponding construction of the femoral component and the type of fixation. The tactics of early activation of patients after surgery, the regular taking of the basic remedies and remedies which are improved the bone metabolism, also the systematic clinical and roentgenological control in dynamics, the common observation of patients by rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeon allow to receive the steadfast favorable results of treatment.

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