The influence of circadian rhythms on autonomic nervous system disorders among the patients with chronic cholecystitis
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circadian rhythms
chronic cholecystitis
vegetative disorders

How to Cite

Pavlovskyi, S. (2020). The influence of circadian rhythms on autonomic nervous system disorders among the patients with chronic cholecystitis. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 67(2), 119–123. Retrieved from


Dependence of symptoms disorders of the vegetative nervous system that accompany exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, from presence of comorbidities in patient was ascertained at 117 examined people. It was determined, that somatoform autonomic dysfunction contributes significantly increasing the number of such complaints. While chronic cholecystitis without comorbidities significantly less complicated side symptoms of vegetative nervous system. It indicates that localized inflammatory process carries significant direct impact on the work of the vegetative nervous system.

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