Choice of musculus tensor fascia latae flap plastic for the trochanteric pressure sores
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trochanteric pressure sore
tensor fascia latae flap
plastic surgery

How to Cite

Pasichniy, D. (2020). Choice of musculus tensor fascia latae flap plastic for the trochanteric pressure sores. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 67(2), 98–104. Retrieved from


The visual observation of the muculus tensor fascia lata in time of trochanteric pressure sores dressing was important for detection of a muscle circulatory disturbance and choice of method plastic treatment. Proposed is the method of hip joint region pressure ulcer plastic restoration based on the use of original technique of transfer proximal part muculus tensor fascia latae be included in composite flap by the way of cross-section this muscle between the attachment place it to the spina iliaca anterior superior and the entry place of main vascular pedicle, this makes it possible to avoid extensive muscle mobilization and preserve existing vascular net in normal state and upgrowth in pathology of the vascular anastomosis between flap and surrounding tissue territory. A high efficacy of this plastic method is shown in 2 from 6 operated patients with stage III–IV hip joint region pressure ulcer.

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