The composition of fatty acids in the serum of patients with polyps of the gastrointestinal tract, their relationship
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fatty acids
blood serum
stomach and intestinal polyps

How to Cite

PikasР. (2020). The composition of fatty acids in the serum of patients with polyps of the gastrointestinal tract, their relationship. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 67(2), 27–30. Retrieved from


The fatty acid composition in blood serum lipids in patients with 1–2 stomach or the intestinal polyps has been studied by GLC (Gas-Liquid Chromatography) series of «CVET-500» plasmaionization detector in isothermal mode. Quantitative evaluation of fatty acid composition of serum lipids in patients with the intestinal polyps or stomach area normalization method was performed by determining the peaks of their methyl esters and their proportion. In patients with 1–2 stomach or the intestinal polyps fatty acid composition of lipid varied and characterized by increasing the total amount of unsaturated fatty acids (including polyunsaturated), and reduction of the total amount of saturated fatty acids, suggesting lipid metabolism disorders. Changes in the spectrum of fatty acids of lipids in the blood serum of patients with polyps of the intestinal or stomach depend on the presence or absence of polyps, which indicates the need for correction of the composition of fatty acids in treatment of there patients.

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