The peculiar features of changes in spectrum fatty-acid of lipids plasma and blood erytrocytes have been investigated and evaluated in suffering from disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, unaffected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Were examined 103 healthy people and 57 patients with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. Fatty-acid composition of plasma lipids in suffering from disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis to study by the biochemical method using a gas-liquid chromatograph «Cvet-500». Disorders in metabolism of higher fatty acids of lipids plasma and blood erytrocytes have been showed in suffering from disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. It is determined, that in both healthy persons fatty-acids spectrum of lipids demonstrated unidirectional in lipids plasma and blood erytrocytes. In patients with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis fatty-acids spectrum demonstrated unidirectional changes in their ratio both of lipids plasma and blood erytrocytes: we noted a significant elevation in total saturated fatty acid at the expense against a background of an reduction in total unsaturated fatty acids as well and total polyunsaturated fatty acid contents. A comparative analysis of individual fatty acid contents, total saturated fatty acid contents, total unsaturated fatty acid contents and total polyunsaturated fatty acid contents of lipids plasma and blood erytrocytes іn patients with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, unaffected by the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, determines the greater sensitivity of erytrocytes to lipid peroxidation and indicated a possibility for the reliable use of blood erytrocytes as a non-invasive biological object for stydying lipid turnover.
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