Influence of retraction on the microvasculature in the marginal periodontium tissues before obtaining impression for fixed structures
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gum retraction
fixed structures
Doppler flowmetry

How to Cite

Nespradko, V., & Terekhov, S. (2020). Influence of retraction on the microvasculature in the marginal periodontium tissues before obtaining impression for fixed structures. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 82(1), 87–90.


The article discusses the effect of the retraction procedure on the microvasculature in the tissues of the regional periodontium in patients with various gum biotypes. The relationship between the strength of the traumatic agent during gum retraction and the phenotype of marginal periodontium is noted. Not only because of the orthopedic design, the condition of the marginal gum worsens. Due to the dense tension and gum retraction, blood circulation in the bloodstream also decreases, and the quality of orthopedic treatment is also reduced. The most pronounced effect was felt by patients with a thin gum biotype, which is associated with damage to the epithelial attachment during retraction.
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