A method was developed for determining and predicting the severity of disorders resulting from alcohol use in patients depending on the level of psychosocial stress and the state of the digestive system in the light of the concept of integrated diagnosis and treatment of drug pathology for use by primary care physicians. When developing the model, three main groups of factors were identified that, according to the study, influenced the formation of the severity of disorders due to alcohol consumption: the severity of addictive symptoms (by the AUDIT), the level of stress load experienced by patients (by L. Rider’s test) and the state of the digestive system (by the De Ritis Ratio). A model has been created that mathematically describes the ratio of various factors in the formation of the severity of disorders developing as a result of drinking alcohol, and makes it possible to quantify the probabilistic state of a particular patient with disorders due to drinking. It is shown that the proposed model is characterized by high determinism and is suitable for use in healthcare practice to predict the severity of disorders due to alcohol use in patients with alcohol dependence.
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