Regulatory t-cells of endometrium as important pathogenetic factors of endometriosis and related infertility
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regulatory T-cells
transcription factors

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Koval , G. (2020). Regulatory t-cells of endometrium as important pathogenetic factors of endometriosis and related infertility. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 66(1), 114–118. Retrieved from


The expression of mRNA transcription factor of regulatory T-lymphocytes – FoxP3 has been investigated by the method of quantitative real-time PCR in eutopic endometrium tissue of 20 women with endometriosis and infertility as well as 20 women with infertility of tubal genesis (control group). It has been shown, that FoxP3 expression in the endometrium of infertile women with endometriosis was significantly reduced comparing with the control group. In our opinion, the decreased mRNA expression of FoxP3 is related with insufficient functioning of regulatory T-lymphocytes in the endometrium of women with endometriosis and may play a role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis as well as the related infertility.

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