Diagnostic information value of laboratory parameters of blood and urine of patients with burns
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laboratory parameters
burn disease

How to Cite

Shapoval, E. (2020). Diagnostic information value of laboratory parameters of blood and urine of patients with burns. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 66(1), 101–106. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/474


The state of the of laboratory parameters of the urinary system and the blood system was examined, depending on the timing of the start of treatment, and their diagnostic information value in patients with burns was determinated. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the timing of the start of treatment. The dependence of the severity of violations in urinary and blood systems in patients with thermal injuries on the timing of the start of treatment was revealed and diagnostic information value of laboratory parameters of blood and urine of patients with burns was defined. The findings testify the negative influence of severe thermal injuries on the organism, particularly on the state of urinary and blood system. One of the main factors that degrade the state of the injured persons is the beginning of treatment in terms distant from the moment of thermal injury. Laboratory parameters of blood and urine, as well as the calculated indices of intoxication can serve as a guide to correct treatment tactics during the burn disease.

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