Metric character of exocrinocytes of rat jejunum mucosa in transplantation of cryopreserved placenta accompanied by acute aseptic peritoneal inflammation
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cryopreserved placenta
aseptic inflammation

How to Cite

Shepitko, K. (2020). Metric character of exocrinocytes of rat jejunum mucosa in transplantation of cryopreserved placenta accompanied by acute aseptic peritoneal inflammation. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 66(1), 19–24. Retrieved from


The experimental study has been carried out on the jejunum extracted from 140 senior male rats. Histological and histochemical methods of study have been applied. In transplantation of cryopreserved placenta the parameters of inner and outer diameters and the parameter of crypt exocrinocytes’ height responded due to increase of these parameters with peak values on day 5–7th of the experiment. In simulation of the acute aseptic peritoneal inflammation the outer and inner diameters of crypt were enlarging during 3rd–14th days with peak values on day 14 of the experiment. During the experiment the height of exocrinocytes significantly increased on day 14. In transplantation of cryopreserved placenta accompanied by acute aseptic peritoneal inflammation the crypt's inner and outer diameters were enlarging during 2nd–10th days with peak values on day 10. The maximum height of exocrinocytes was noted on day 10. In administration of cryopreserved placenta accompanied by acute aseptic peritoneal inflammation the time period of inflammatory process realization due to recovery of gland function in the crypt was reduced by 4–5 days.

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